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Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I wrote this some time ago and it has been published in a couple of newspapers but I think this might be a good time to renew this Christmas Story.  I hope you enjoy it.
Many years ago as Christmas time approached, a family had little to look forward to for Christmas because people were unemployed and there was no money for most families to buy presents or even a Christmas tree.  In one family, a sickly little boy understood the situation and didn't expect anything.

The Father and Mother were determined that something should point to Christmas and happier days to come.  Father went to a little nearby creek and cut a small bush that was bare of leaves.  Evergreen trees didn't grow in that area at that time.  He fixed a base from scrap wood and set it up in the house.  Two older brothers and the sister gathered the bright red berries from some Holly Trees and pretty orange berries from Sumac bush and brought them home.  The Mother had poppd some popcorn and threade several needles with very long threads.  A singlee wood burning stove kept the room warm as, that evening,  they sat around the dining table by the light of their single kerosene lamp, they sewed the berries and popcorn onto threads that the mother had prepared.  Sister had the idea to cut colored comic strips from the newspapers into short ribbons which she she pasted into loops with a mixrure of flour and water to make a colorful chain.

The family had a happy time making these decorations and placing them on their little barren Christmas tree.  As they did so, the little tree became alive with the color from their creations until its beauty exceeded that of any purchased Christmas tree with artificial decorations.

The Mother talked to the children and told them to compare what they had done to the little tree to what God would do to the other trees when winter had gone and buds, blossoms, leaves and fruit would decorate them.  She said that God would change their bad times in the same way they had changed their tree and He would change  the other trees and plants.

After having that good time together, all went to bed expecting no more in the morning than the cake and pie that their Mother had made.  The Father came home from his work as the day broke.  I guess Santa Claus came during the night for there was one package under their homemade Christmas tree.  Whose could it be??  What could it be??  They all gathered around to see. 

Thie little boy's name was on the package so it was passed to him to be opened.  He yanked at the stringthat tied the package, tore at the colored newspaper comic strip paper until he could see some round yellow wheels and feel a large round body inside the package.  He couldn't wait longer.  He ripped the paper away and there in his hands was a beautiful black and yellow STEAM LOCOMOTIVE.  No one seemed to care that this was the only present under the tree.  None seemed to notice that the boiler and wheels looked as if they may have been cut from a limb of the mulbery tree in the back yard, and, didn't that smoke stack look a little like one of the Mother's thread spools and the headlight, perhaps a thimble..  Didn't Dad have some scrap lumber just the size of the boiler and platform.  That black and yellow paint didn't seem very dry,either.

The little boy kept his present until He became a strong and healthy father and the whole family kept the memoryof their most happy and beautiful Christmas until they were very old.  Blossoms did come to the tree and God did bring a more bountiful time but nothing diminishes the memory of that very special Christmas.

The best part of this story is it is true.  I was that sickly little boy.

Any day, even Christmas Day, becomes the kind of day that you have decided to make it to be.


  1. Wow, chill bumps, all over! Thank God for that little boy and the family that nurtured him. Trooper, I pray you are a very well person today and will live long in my life!

  2. Think I will take my tears and go clean that bathroom that started beckoning me days ago. Ignoring it hasn't hushed its voice one bit! It's good to know that I can return here for a restful voice though! Happy New Year. I do expect somehow that it will be a very good and thoughtful one!

  3. Tammie here. Just want to say....Bravo...you made me cry.

  4. Arlie,My mother was the child of Belgian immigrants who were extremely poor, Mom had health problems directly related to child labor,so I became very aware of the tough times people endured during the great depression. So this story had great meaning for me . Thank you Arlie for writing and sharing this with us. Love Marian Kirchner-Pooran

  5. I can remember the annual Christmas trip to grandpa's cabin at the lake. Bundled up in the old studebaker with the smells of all the food mom had been baking for days. The car was not filled with presents to the brim but I never noticed. We would all meet and often would have 40 or more with all the cousins. Names had been drawn and each person would only get one present. And everything was hand made. Mom would open hers up and parade the new doily's around that she had received for all to see. This continued around the room until we would sit and listen to the Christmas story as told by grandpa and then sing carols. If other cabins had guest the we would sing tto them and take plates of delicious treats as well. The adults would go into the kitchen and all us kids would play for hours,sharing or new found toys. I don't remember much about the toys but I do remember the fellowship and love each time. Okay, well I do remember on particular gift. Licon logs but not the ones from the store. Now I knew what dad was carving as he sit outside after a meal all year. Not quite as straight as the commercial product but much closer to an actual cabin with the knots,warts and all. Merry Christmas my friend. If their is nothing under my tree this year then you have already given me precious gift. That of friendship.

  6. Oh....that was a very touching, sweet story!! Such love in your family!!
    Diann Taliaferro Logan

  7. A wonderful story to share this Christmas early morn.

  8. A beautiful story, I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for,publishing.

  9. Mary Thompson I wasn't your 'friend' last time so I hadn't read it. Thanks.
    2 hrs · Unlike · 1

    Lisa Jewell Beautiful no I hadn't read it. So glad I came across it will love pondering on it for awhile:)
    2 hrs · Unlike · 1

    Arlie D Wood Mary Thompson/Lisa Jewell; may I have your permission to add your comments to my blog where they will become a permanent attachment and not be lost on Facebook?
    1 hr · Like

    Mary Thompson Permission granted.
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    These comments have been transferred from the Facebook posting 9 Dec., 2014 with the posting individual's consent:
    Connie Hartley Preas I also did not have the Honor of being your "friend" when you posted it before. It is a very sweet story & I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for re-publishing it Arlie D Wood. Merry Christmas!

  10. My family enjoyed this Arlie, touched all our hearts. Deb and I always look forward to your articles, so many memories. Merry Christmas Arlie.
