Our Heavenly Father,
I come to You with my prayer in the Name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who's birth we say we are celebrating. I know I wouldn't have this privilege but for His death and resurrection and your love for me, a sinner. Thank You, Lord.
I thank you for the United States of America and the blessings You have poured out on this country over the past two centuries and the way You prepared the land many centuries before. You supplied all our needs. I thank you for giving me to her. I( recognize it was your choice for you could have placed me in any place in your kingdom.
I pray for our nation today that you might lead us again into the paths of righteousness for the sake of your name. In that way the United States can again become a nation who's God is You, Lord.
Please keep the men and women in our Military Forces in your hands, Father, and keep them from harm as it is your will. Bless our veterans, both young and old. Our country is grateful for the service they have given at great cost to their life, health, and well being. Comfort the families of those we have lost in defense of the freedom you have given to us
Please forgive me of my multitude of sins against You, Father, and I pray humbly for Your forgiveness for our nation. Many fail to acknowledge you and flagrantly transgress your laws, making light of your Word and expecting no penalties for doing so.
Lord, our leaders desperately need your guidance for, it seems, the majority of them have never learned your principles of stewardship and have become unfaithful servants. They have slipped your bridle and are pursuing their own course. Is this a judgement allowed by You as a punishment for our transgressions?
Please grant to us your Grace in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
So thoughtful and for me, right on target. His Word tells us that all these things must come to pass. He appoints leaders whose kingdoms thrive and/or fail. It is hard watching our country in the place it is today, but yet, like you, I am still so very thankful that he placed me here in the United States of America.
ReplyDeleteYou mentioned to me that you are a Civil War buff, and I can certainly understand that. What bloodshed! As a member of the Nancy Anderson chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution, through a third cousin I have learned that I had at least two Confederate military ancestors and one Union ancestor who fought and died in this war. The ancestor whose line brings me into membership was actually a civilian Patriot out of North Carolina who supplied and sold cattle for the cause of our freedom. There have been many years that have passed where blood has been shed to buy and pay for our freedom. For that, I'll always be thankful, but at the end of the day it is Jesus (my bestest hero) who has given us the greatest gift of all. With that, I suspect that blood and sacrifice will be shed until we are out of here. Jesus was not an afterthought, because God knew that creation would never make it into His prescence without that beautiful gift of grace. Isn't it amazing that He was/is so mindful of us!
That is a beautiful prayer and one I will pray also. Thank you Arlie for your heart and your service. Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteOh, Arlie. Once again your words have spoken the thoughts of my heart. Thank you. Love you.
ReplyDeleteYes Arlie you are a leader amongst many men (and women). My heart is in tune to your prayers for everyone and I love you dearly. You are a person who has set a great example for your children and generations to come. Love you my dear friend.~~~~~Tammie