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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Dear God,  You could have let me be born into a rich family and had fine clothes, the best of foods, and gone to fine schools.  You could have made me an actor or sports figure with high salary and many weeks of leisure in the wondrous places I have read about.  I could have been a successful politician with everyone showing me deep respect.  It would have been nice if you had just let me be listed with other millionaires on Dunn and Bradstreet.  You knew I wanted to fly and maybe I could have set some records and become famous; instead you let me be color blind.  You didn't even give me a rich woman to marry.  Was there a reason why you didn't make me rich in worldly goods?

Well, Lord, I believe I understand now.  You had something better in mind for me.  Born into a family wealthy with nothing but love and a willingness for hard labor, you made me to appreciate the good things that you surrounded me with day by day.  You allowed me to be a sickly child so I could fully enjoy my life as a strong healthy man.  You allowed me to have work throughout my life so I would never draw an unemployment check or need welfare.  You gave me a caring heart to cause me to know the joy of helping others.  You gave me family love and joy when the going was a little rough sometimes. As the years faded behind me and a lonely life seemed my lot, You opened a door to the world that I could never have imagined and I know people and have friends in a multitude of places.  Although you give me quiet times to contemplate my blessings, my world is never lonely and I'm even allowed to feel useful.  You have given me the means to write as has always been my desire.  You returned to me an ability far above that which sickness had taken away to remember some things and to have the joy of recording them; even making new friends in the process.

I won't wait for Thanksgiving Day to say it, Lord.  Thank You for not giving me the things I might have wished for.  Thank You for making me wealthy beyond my wildest dreams in the blessings that money cannot buy and most of all, Thank You for giving Yourself in my place.


  1. Thank you, Lord... for all the times you have kept me safe, and I didn't even realize it. And thank you, Lord, for loving all of us so very much, even through all the times we fall down... and then You help us get back up. You gave the ultimate sacrifice, and for that, we are forever thankful.

  2. A friend just read this blog Arlie and she had the same comments as I did.

  3. Thank you Lord for giving me a wonderful life--bad times and good times. And, thank you for sending this man Arlie to me. And, to you Arlie, thank you for sharing your life and your words with me and so many others. Your are loved, you have been loved, and you give love in the most pure way.

    Happy Thanksgiving today and everyday.

  4. A friend, Derla Paulk had difficulty posting the following comment to this blog. With his permission I now quote him:"Your comments mimic much of what I remember about my life. I am so thankful for my adopted loving parents. I cannot recall going hungry or without a roof over my head. Money can't make the heart sing like a Mother's hug and kiss."

  5. "Give thanks with a gratiful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One, Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now, let the poor say, "I am rich," let the weak say, "I am strong" because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks" Thank you Lord for "leaving your Spirit 'til the work on earth is done."
    Jerri Stafford Lange
