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Monday, March 7, 2011

My Magic Window

Through recent months I have watched the squirrels grow their long winter coats as the deciduous trees became barren of leaves.  The pecan and persimmon shed their fruit as the grass lost its bright green. A pair of year around resident robins seem to be nested in the evergreens and refuse to make any journey southward as the north winds come and snow clouds billow.  I sat in bright sunlight in the morning here at the computer because the rays were unchecked by the tree leaves.

The clouds closed in as the north wind screamed and snow flakes came horizontally across my window as they covered the ground .  The robins searched for food on the snow.  Some raisins scattered on the patio made them very happy.  The black capped chickadee continually rotated from the hedge and honeysuckle to the bid feeder.  The temperature continued to drop and blizzard set in.  The world seemed to have lost all motion except for the whipping of the trees in the wind.  No contrails from aircraft crossed the sky.  Just in time for my birthday, the blizzard broke and the days were nice again for February. 

March has arrived and the magic of Spring is approaching with tattletale signs here and there.  A door opened this morning: there was no one there.  As I now look out my window, I see the progressive magical work of an Invisible Artist revealing itself before my eyes.  The sunlight is not so bright as it filters through a bonnet of new leaves on the oak and  hickory trees.  A few green buds have been painted on the pecan and persimmon.  Some of the artist's green paint has been spilled in patches across the grass.  The robins no longer search for the raisins and the mocking bird is acting pretty crazy.  The squirrels who looked so fat in their winter dress are now sleek and slender as they chase each other around and around and up and down.

Even Ollie, the Dachshund, is checking each tiny mound of freshly disturbed earth from the aunt lion trap to mole mounds.  If he finds anything, he'll either eat it or fight it.  Molly, the Pyrenees, seems unperturbed by all of this change as she lies lazily in the sun.  Scooter, the one eyed Shiatsu, lies sleeping at my feet; totally uncaring as to anything as long as he can reach out and touch me..  Alone at the moment, I watch from my magic window where everything remains the same while it constantly changes.

When I leave the keyboard untouched, Du Li will play across the screen and pictures of people and my memories come sliding by: some happy, some sadness.  But out my Magic Window, the past blends with the present to foretell the beauty of the future that the Invisible Magic Artist has in store.  Only a fool could watch and still say, "There is no God".  Nature and the Heavens declare His handiwork.  {ADW//3/7/2011}


  1. Arlie... love this!!!! Especially.. :

    Only a fool could watch and still say, "There is no God". Nature and the Heavens declare His handiwork.

    This is so good... this really hits close to home. I, too, see the wondrous works of the Lord from my back porch, and could never put into words the magic of it all... as you have written here in your blog. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful words and knowledge.

    I will have to admit.. my favorite writing in this blog is... :

    "where everything remains the same while it constantly changes."

    Sounds like that could be applied to life, in general...

    God bless you richly..

    Sheila Gray Stevens

  2. Can only echo Sheilas thoughts, except that mockingbird hasn't left my mind since your status the other day. :) I can see right outside your window with you, and if the Master Artist would allow

  3. I'd rush the scene to summer, and one more time, He'd ask me to wait

  4. Those last few words of your comment, De'on, have a unique timing and poetic beauty. Thank you.

  5. (Tammy's comment from the blog link):
    Again, the descripttion is superb. I can see thes things through your eyes and am grateful. I too have often wondered, while looking at a snow capped mountain or beautiful forests of evergreenss and aspen, How could anyone deny the existence of our Lord God. I also liked your reference to the fact that everythin reamains the same while changing. We have to be observant of the changes; be grateful Sometimes they can be subtle and missed if we are not careful. A "Magic Window". I loved it! Thank you for sharing and for letting me look through that windoe of yours! Mar7, 2011, 2;13 PM.

  6. Arlie,
    When are you going to publish a book. It could be all short stories as those are my favorites. Please do so soon.

  7. Beautiful reflections from an observant man! Thank you.

  8. I wonder if the window would still be so magic without the man with the magic heart looking out of it. And perhaps these writings will open someone elses child inside them to once again marvel at nature and the world around us. Your writings have helped me find a center this year. Thanks_Deral

  9. This is really nice grandpa!!! Without your outlook on things, I don't think we would even see these things!!!
