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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Right Way

An area of about 650,000 square miles of what is now Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico was without landmarks of any kind before the arrival of modern man.  Coronado encountered this area in his explorations and came up with a unique method to find their direction.  Stakes were driven as they  progressed,  Looking backward, they determined if they were still on course.  They also found their mis-stakes and corrected.  The next morning, a very reliable man went forward to align the next stake with those of the previous day.  The called this area El Llano Estacado, the staked plains.  Early settlers had to resort to these same methods as they moved westward for the overcast sky often hid the north star.

Today is the dawning of the first day of the new year, 2013; a good time to check our old path and determine our new direction for the days ahead.  Let us look backward to the stakes we have driven in the past year; correct for all mis-stakes and send the most trusted leader forward to drive our stakes for this new year.  Who should we trust with leading us forward?  The words come to me from John 14:6; "I am the way, the  truth, and the life.  No man cometh unto the Father but by me."  Who better to trust with the stakes to lead us forward to our most desirable destination? 

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